A Forest Journey at Valentine | | Valentine Camp
Do you know what a healthy forest looks like?
Develop your curiosity and connection with nature through “forest bathing” and journaling practices while walking the trails of Valentine Reserve. Learn about the benefits of healthy forest ecosystems and ways you can protect this natural resource through responsible recreation practices. Bring a notebook, pencil, water, hat, and sunscreen. Space is limited for this FREE experience, so please register today!
A Forest Journey at Valentine (All Ages) | | Valentine Camp
Do you know what a healthy forest looks like?
Develop your curiosity and connection with nature through “forest bathing” and journaling practices while walking the trails of Valentine Reserve. Learn about the benefits of healthy forest ecosystems and ways you can protect this natural resource through responsible recreation practices. Bring a notebook, pencil, water, hat, and sunscreen. Space is limited for this FREE experience, so please register today!
A Forest Journey at Valentine(Women in Business) | | Valentine Camp
Do you know what a healthy forest looks like?
Develop your curiosity and connection with nature through “forest bathing” and journaling practices while walking the trails of Valentine Reserve. Learn about the benefits of healthy forest ecosystems and ways you can protect this natural resource through responsible recreation practices. Bring a notebook, pencil, water, hat, and sunscreen.
Black Bears I | | Valentine Camp
While walking through Black Bear forest habitat you will see bear scratched trees, a bear den and occasionally bear tracks. Learn how bears survive in the forest, and how Mammoth Lakes is managing their bear population. Children welcome.
Black Bears III | |
While walking through Black Bear forest habitat you will see bear scratched trees, a bear den and occasionally bear tracks. Learn how bears survive in the forest, and how Mammoth Lakes is managing their bear population. Children welcome.
Black Bears of the Valentine Reserve II | | Valentine Camp
While walking through Black Bear forest habitat you will see bear scratched trees, a bear den and occasionally bear tracks. Learn how bears survive in the forest, and how Mammoth Lakes is managing their bear population. Children welcome.
Full Moon Tour at Valentine(Tour Full) | | Valentine Camp
Come explore Valentine in the moonlight. Learn about the night sky and night animals while watching the moon rise over the meadow.
Sundays at the Valentine Reserve I | | Valentine Camp
Have you ever wondered about the mysterious Valentine Reserve. Where is it? What is it? Come with us on the general tour of the Reserve and learn a little bit about the history, flora, fauna and what makes the Reserve so special. This tour will be relaxed introduction to the best kept secret in Mammoth! The hike is moderately strenuous, with a 500’ elevation gain. Bring water, hat, and sunscreen.
Sundays at the Valentine Reserve II | | Valentine Camp
Have you ever wondered about the mysterious Valentine Reserve. Where is it? What is it? Come with us on the general tour of the Reserve and learn a little bit about the history, flora, fauna and what makes the Reserve so special. This tour will be relaxed introduction to the best kept secret in Mammoth! The hike is moderately strenuous, with a 500’ elevation gain. Bring water, hat, and sunscreen.
The Geology of Valentine Reserve I | | Valentine Camp
The geography of Valentine Reserve was shaped over the millennia by the geologic forces of time. Mammoth Mountain volcano, the glaciers of the Tioga glacial epic and the explosions of the Inyo Craters have all left their mark at Valentine. During this moderately strenuous hike, you will learn how the rocks of Valentine
arrived at their destination. Bring water, hat and sunscreen.
The Geology of Valentine Reserve II (TOUR FULL) | | Valentine Camp
The geography of Valentine Reserve was shaped over the millennia by the geologic forces of time. Mammoth Mountain volcano, the glaciers of the Tioga glacial epic and the explosions of the Inyo Craters have all left their mark at Valentine. During this moderately strenuous hike, you will learn how the rocks of Valentine
arrived at their destination. Bring water, hat and sunscreen.
Un Viaje por el Bosque en Valentine | | Valentine Camp
¿Sabes cómo es un bosque saludable?
Desarrolla tu curiosidad y conexión con la naturaleza a través de la observación y el uso de un diario de campo mientras caminas por los senderos de Valentine Reserve. Conoce los beneficios de un bosque saludable y las formas en que puedes proteger este recurso natural a través de prácticas recreativas responsables. Trae una libreta, lápiz, agua, gorra y bloqueador solar.
Wildflowers of Valentine Reserve I (Tour Full) | | Valentine Camp
Valentine Reserve changes color throughout the wildflower season. This hike will allow you to see what is blooming early in the season. Depending on the year, you can expect to see arrays of forget-me-nots, Mariposa lilies, and violets which will be in seed later in the summer. The hike is moderately strenuous, with a 500’ elevation gain. Bring water, hat and sunscreen.
Wildflowers of Valentine Reserve II (Tour Full) | | Valentine Camp
Valentine Reserve changes color throughout the wildflower season. This hike will allow you to see what is blooming early in the season. Depending on the year, you can expect to see arrays of forget-me-nots, Mariposa lilies, and violets which will be in seed later in the summer. The hike is moderately strenuous, with a 500’ elevation gain. Bring water, hat and sunscreen.